You know my name, not my story.

This blog is a part of my life. This is who I am, my goals, my dreams and my fuck ups.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ready, Set.....

Hello my loves. I have good news! Starting at mid-night tonight I'm beginning a liquid fast. Yay! Would anyone like to join? It's going from tomorrow, Monday June 28th till Midnight on Thursday July 1st so a 4 day cleansing fast.

Why do i need a cleansing fast might you ask? Well, to day i was at a bridal shower and WOW! There was a lot of food. My birthday is July 4th and i want to be as thin as possible by then.

Here are the things you can consume:
diet soda
black coffee

Not Allowed
fancy coffees

So good luck to anyone that wants to join me!!!
Got any questions/need advice/want someone to talk to?
Email me at

So as i was saying before... Ready? Set. GO!

Love ya girls!!!
~Riki Ana
**Stay Strong//Starve on!**

p.s. weight back up to 118...possibly 119 thanks to food today. D: Oh well, fast here i come! :)

Good night my sweets


  1. YES I would love to join you!!!!
    Good luck lovely stay strong <3

  2. Yah, sure I'll join you! I might not make it till Thursday, but I will certainly go as long as I can :) Good luck!

  3. Why do you want to be 95 pounds? Im sorry for being kinda blunt and everything but being skinny isnt everything im skinny actually very skinny way to skinny i would love to be 119 pounds im 82 pounds ive tried everything to gain weight and i cant it really sucks. i understand you u want a nice looking body but you should do it in another way work out eat healthy foods but just eat. and eat right.

  4. This Haley chick...I don't even know what to say. Get off this blog if you're just going to hate on us all, because we all wish we were you. So yeah..:/

    ANYHOW dear, I'm so glad you're back!! <3 Like I've honestly been really concerned and missed you, so I'm really happy to have you back :) Good luck on your fast, I'd join you but I don't think fasting is the right approach for me.

    Stay strong, love you! :)
