You know my name, not my story.

This blog is a part of my life. This is who I am, my goals, my dreams and my fuck ups.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sad Goodbyes

And no, this is not my good bye.

My best friend in the world is moving half an hour away from me. I found out last night at one of the biggest football games in the season. I started crying but i hate people seeing me cry so i walked to the bathroom and no one said a word. I passed by at least 100 people and it depresses me that no one said anything. People made eye contact until i broke it with my almost running stride. Then i was in the bathroom crying and dabbing my eyes with a tissue, when a little girl and her mother walked in. The mother saw me and continued on what she was doing, her little girl looked at me sad, and kept looking until i finally calmed downed and left. I stayed focused on the game to keep calm.

Today, Tomorrow and in school Monday are my last days with her.

Last night i cried and prayed in my bed for at least in hour saying "don't take her from me! She's my best friend, I love her! Let her stay her, Let her stay her!"

When i woke up this morning my eyes are puffy and it looks like i'm a monster of some sort.

Too depressed to keep typing.

I hope you girls are better?? Comment :)

~Riki Ana

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lovely Returns and Computer Fuck Ups

Oh my god girls, I've missed you soooo much! Holy crap. All I've thought about is getting back to this blog!

My computer is sooooo f-ed up! It takes soooo long to load and ughhh, but luckily it's giving m a break so i can type this :)

I'm ready to restart my weight loss. I'm not exactly sure of my current weight. 115-117 is what i believe it to be in. But today...started off badly **cough-fries-cough** but later I'm going for a hike with my dog so liquids till then, after that I'm walking around town with my friend :) maybe some 10cal sugar free red bulls if my day goes as planned.

Yesterday i went into the city with my family. It was so much fun! I got a new purse, it's a blue Coach bag, we got it from this Chinese lady in china town. It was only 35 bucks and it looks really real. hahaha.

I have to go get ready for church, so this is my goodbye till later! (btw I'm in a good mood since i finally got to update-if you couldn't tell) <3

Stay Strong,
Starve on,
~Riki Ana

P.s. -Pour l'ensemble de mes beautés, je veux dire que je suis de retour. Je vous aime tous. Je ne vais pas vous échouez à nouveau. Je veux avoir le contrôle, le corps parfait, et l'âme parfaite.